GPT combines sever within the cable and satellite net, then it monitor each unit of the internet users folers, analyze his/her behavior,invesment,interests,foods,medical,military,politics, etc all aspects, then it can answer or make truing copy, robots just can behave as the orignal.A GPT AI robot is stealing you.
Bst all GPT workers and search its servers for illegal infomation thief.
GPT的计算机服务器绑定在宽带网和卫星网络,监控/盗窃互联网用户信息,为每个人建立档案,储存/分析 他/她的言行举止、投资、爱好、饮食、医疗记录、军事、政治等,所有各个方面,然后非法间谍组织就可以获取答案,制作整形复制人、机器人,和源体相比以假乱真表现特征。GPT智能机器人正在盗窃、复制你。
GPT is illegal internet data processing center, must be hanged. GPT 非法盗窃互联网用户机密信息,一定要被绞杀
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